Performance-based regulation ("PBR") is most commonly defined as an approach to utility regulation designed to strengthen utility performance incentives. Thus defined, the term PBR is synonymous with incentive regulation ("IR"). The two most common forms of PBR are award-penalty mechanisms ("APMs") and multiyear rate plans ("MRPs").
Both involve mathematical formulas that can lower regulatory cost at the same time that they encourage better performance. This constitutes a remarkable potential advance in the "technology" of regulation.
Award/Penalty Mechanisms
An APM is designed to strengthen performance incentives in a targeted area. Basic components of an APM includes a performance metric or indicator (called an "output" in Britain), a performance appraisal that compares the utility's value for the indicator to a benchmark value, and a mechanism for adjusting utility rates to reflect the performance appraisal. Here are some common performance areas targeted by APMs:
APMs targeting cost are often used to bolster incentives when a regulatory system features a mechanism, such as a fuel cost adjustment clause, that is believed to weaken cost containment incentives.
Multiyear Rate Plans
MRPs are the most common approach to PBR around the world. An MRP features a moratorium on rate cases that typically lasts three to five years. An attrition relief mechanism ("ARM") adjusts rates automatically to reflect inflation and other changes in business conditions. Some costs may be addressed separately using cost trackers. Some MRPs feature earnings sharing mechanisms that share surplus or deficit earnings between the utility and customers when the return on equity deviates from its target. Plans may also feature an efficiency carryover mechanism that incentivizes long term performance gains and discourages the opportunistic timing of expenses by permitting the utility to keep a share of cost savings (or absorb a share of high costs) when rates are trued up to cost at the end of the plan.
Several approaches to the design of ARMs are well established.
Since infrequent rate cases lessen concerns about cost allocations and cross-subsidies, MRPs can permit regulators to sanction greater marketing flexibility. Most MRPs also include APMs to balance incentives for cost containment with incentives to pursue other goals (e.g. reliability or energy conservation) that matter to customers and policymakers.
MRPs have been especially popular in North America where utilities need marketing flexibility. Such plans have helped railroads, oil pipelines, and telecommunications utilities provide complex arrays of services to markets with diverse competitive pressures from common sets of assets. MRPs are also favored for energy distributors in most populous provinces of Canada and are increasingly popular for gas and electric utilities in the United States.
Recent developments have increased the potential usefulness of MRPs in the US.
Under cost of service regulation, utilities will respond to these conditions by filing rate cases more frequently and requesting additional marketing flexibility. Frequent rate cases raise regulatory cost and weaken utility cost containment incentives. The recurrent issues of cost allocation and cross-subsidies will incline regulators to discourage desired marketing flexibility. In a prior period of frequent rate cases, in the 1970s and 80s, the productivity growth of US energy utilities slowed markedly.
Overseas, the privatization of many utilities in the last 20 years has forced governments to choose a regulatory system. The majority have chosen MRPs over cost of service regulation. Regulators in Britain, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, and New Zealand are recognized MRP leaders.
The British approach to PBR is one of the best known. The latest version of this approach, called "RIIO" (Revenue = Incentives + Innovation + Outputs), has been implemented for gas and power transmission utilities in Britain and will begin for power distributors in 2015. The heart of the RIIO system is an MRP, which the British call a "price control". A revenue cap ARM has an RPI - X formula. The typical plan term is 8 years. Since the ARM is based on multiyear cost forecasts, the regulator must carefully review utility business plans. Statistical benchmarking and independent engineering studies loom large in cost appraisals. 30 months is typically required to process a RIIO application. There are APMs for a wide range of outputs. Special cost trackers encourage innovative projects.
RIIO has recently been touted as a promising approach to regulating US electric utilities in an era of smart grid innovations and increased distributed generation. However, many components of RIIO (e.g. MRPs and APMs) are already widely used in America and Americans have developed their own approaches to addressing certain regulatory challenges. For example, integrated resource planning has been used for years in some states, and planning in some states can be extended (as in California) to incorporate DG and smart grid innovations. There is a long tradition of "pilot" projects to encourage innovation. Alternative approaches to ARM design are more familiar and can involve lower implementation costs.
Revenue Decoupling
Revenue decoupling is an approach to Altreg that has been used for more than three decades by North American utilities. The two most common approaches are decoupling true up plans and lost revenue adjustment mechanisms ("LRAMs"). An LRAM compensates the utility periodically for the margin that is lost due to its DSM programs. In a decoupling true up plan, rates are reset periodically to ensure that a company's revenue matches its revenue requirement. Both approaches make utility finances less sensitive to the slowdown in use per customer that can accompany aggressive demand side management (DSM) programs. Utilities are therefore more likely to embrace DSM. A well designed decoupling mechanism can help utilities avoid frequent rate cases that might otherwise be triggered by slow volume growth. The need for decoupling is especially acute when volume growth is slow but utilities are compelled to use historical test years in rate cases.
Decoupling true up plans usually involve a revenue adjustment mechanism (RAM) that escalates the revenue requirement in the absence of a rate case. Five approaches to RAM design have been established.
Forward Test Years
Many utilities are still compelled to use historical or hybrid test years in rate cases. These approaches were designed for an earlier era of rapid volume per customer growth and are often uncompensatory under today's business conditions. A forward (aka fully forecasted) test year allows the utility to set its rates using forecasted costs, investment levels, and revenues. Forward test years are now used in more than twenty states and most Canadian provinces.
Capex Trackers
Many energy distributors are engaged today in accelerated programs of system modernization. Vertically integrated electric utilities face an additional challenge when engaged in a multiyear program to install scrubbers on its generating units. Assets with appreciable value become used and useful each year, and timely recovery of the cost of plant additions can require frequent and even annual rate cases. Capex trackers can help utilities achieve timely recovery of new investments without frequent rate cases. The majority of U.S. regulatory jurisdictions have employed a capex tracker.
PEG Research Capabilities
PEG possesses North America's most experienced staff of energy Altreg consultants. We are especially well-known for our pathbreaking work in the PBR field. Our research and testimony has helped establish PBR in numerous jurisdictions. Our staff has over sixty man-years of Altreg experience. We have advised the Edison Electric Institute on Altreg issues for more than a decade. Work for a mix of utilities and commissions has given us a reputation for objectivity and dedication to good regulation. We routinely extend the frontier of Altreg with cutting edge research. Applications we have worked on include most major energy utility services.
Many of the leading PBR jurisdictions in the world are now located outside the US. PEG is active in many of these venues, including Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. We also like to share our expertise with less developed countries.
Plan Design
PEG has helped many energy utilities design Altreg plans. We have worked on a variety of Altreg mechanisms:
Revenue decoupling has been a major focus of our recent work. We have filed relevant testimony in proceedings leading to the approval of numerous decoupling mechanisms. A special strength is the design of broad-based revenue adjustment mechanisms.
We are not wedded to any single approach to Altreg and are committed to helping our clients find the approach that makes sense for them. Our plan design services include the monitoring of Altreg developments across utility industries and around the world. This includes Altreg for major plant additions. Clients can quickly access our extensive collection of Altreg documents.
Incentive Power Model
The benefits to utilities from alternative regulatory systems are critical issues in Altreg plan design and advocacy. Utilities care about earnings levels and risk. Customers care about price levels and stability. In research for several clients, PEG has developed a sophisticated model to quantify these impacts of regulation for alternative concrete regulatory systems. For each system considered, the model generates results for:
Using a sophisticated optimizing algorithm, we have modeled how rational companies respond to several key features of regulatory systems. These include:
Our results show that if the Altreg plan is not designed appropriately, some initiatives will not be pursued and utilities and their customers will both lose. Results can also help managers plan for success under Altreg. For example, some of the biggest benefits of a PBR plan may not be realized unless there is timely implementation.
Our Incentive Power model can help clients appraise established regulatory options, identify promising new options, and present supportive evidence.
Empirical Research
Altreg plans often require a solid foundation in empirical research. We have undertaken a wide range of Altreg-related empirical work, including the calculation of industry input price and productivity trends for many utility services. PEG personnel have provided the research supporting many approved indexing plans for energy utilities. In work for the Ontario Energy Board ("OEB") and other clients, we have played a leading role in the spread of PBR to the populous provinces of Canada.
Regulatory Support
A sound regulatory strategy is essential to the ultimate success of a Altreg initiative. PEG provides a full range of regulatory support services, from involvement in technical and settlement conferences to expert witness testimony. Our experience as expert witnesses in Altreg proceedings has no rival in the consulting industry. Our record goes beyond appearances on the witness stand to include the achievement of solid results for clients.
Publications and Public Appearances
PEG has organized, chaired, and sponsored a series of highly acclaimed national forums on Altreg. Contact us if you need a speaker on Altreg issues. PEG personnel have also made a number of contributions to the literature on Altreg, including influential white papers for EEI and the Electric Power Research Institute. Articles have been published in respected professional journals.
We have developed complex marketing and demand analyses for utilities moving from regulated to competitive markets. In most of these cases, PEG provided expert testimony before either state or federal regulatory commissions, or both. We have developed presentations for boards of directors and upper management identifying the strategic issues involved in moving from a regulated to a competitive environment, and assisted in developing appropriate strategies for implementing these changes.
For several utility and non-utility clients, we have identified and screened potential merger candidates and acquisition targets in the United States and abroad. We have analyzed the financial aspects of potential mergers and issued fairness opinions. We have analyzed and provided expert testimony regarding vertical and horizontal market power issues related to mergers.
We have developed complex marketing and demand analyses for utilities moving from regulated to competitive markets. In most of these cases, PEG provided expert testimony before either state or federal regulatory commissions, or both. We have developed presentations for boards of directors and upper management identifying the strategic issues involved in moving from a regulated to a competitive environment, and assisted in developing appropriate strategies for implementing these changes.
For several utility and non-utility clients, we have identified and screened potential merger candidates and acquisition targets in the United States and abroad. We have analyzed the financial aspects of potential mergers and issued fairness opinions. We have analyzed and provided expert testimony regarding vertical and horizontal market power issues related to mergers.
Statistical benchmarking is a scientific approach to performance measurement that makes extensive use of data on utility operations. Indicators are chosen that reflect important dimensions of company performance. Company values are then compared to benchmarks that reflect the performance of other utilities. The change in a company's performance over time can also be measured.
Benchmarking has long been used by utility managers, including Boards of Directors, to appraise operating efficiency. Today, it is also playing a role in regulation. For example, utilities, intervenors, and regulators all use benchmarking to appraise the reasonableness of historical costs and forecasts of future costs. The results can be used to help set rates in rate cases and the out-year provisions of multiyear rate plans. Companies investing in utilities outside the US are especially likely to encounter benchmarking studies in the regulatory arena.
PEG Research Experience
PEG Research is a leading consultant on statistical benchmarking for energy utilities. Our personnel first testified on benchmarking for Southern California Edison in 1994. We pioneered the use of scientific benchmarking methods in North American regulation. Recent benchmarking work for the Australian Energy Regulator and the Ontario Energy Board is helping the regulators use benchmarking in British-style PBR applications. Company President Mark Newton Lowry and Senior Advisor Larry Kaufmann have chaired several benchmarking workshops and conferences. Our methods are also useful in management since they produce the most accurate performance measures available. We can help managers track trends in their company's performance and identify areas of strength and weakness.
Available Methods
PEG Research uses a range of sophisticated benchmarking tools.
Unit Cost Indexes Unit cost metrics are most commonly used in cost benchmarking by North American utilities. A unit cost index is the ratio of cost to a measure of operating scale. It facilitates cost comparisons between companies with different operating scales.
Experienced benchmarkers will have encountered the challenge of deciding which measure of output should be used in unit cost research. A distributor, for instance, may find that it stacks up much better on a cost per customer basis than on a cost per line mile or volume delivered basis. The output quantity indexes we use in our benchmarking work help to finesse this problem. These feature multiple output quantity measures with weights that reflect their relative importance as cost drivers.
Productivity Indexes A productivity index is the ratio of an output and an input quantity index. Productivity trend indexes capture the change in a company's cost over time that is not due to changes in its input prices or operating scale. Productivity level indexes capture differences in the costs of sampled companies that are not due to differences in their input prices or scale. Since input prices and operating scale are major cost drivers, productivity indexes are useful measures of operating efficiency. They permit the use of data from companies facing different input prices and operating scales in benchmarking a company's efficiency.
Productivity indexes are widely used in government and industry as performance measures. They are most commonly employed to measure performance trends over time. For example, they can measure the annual productivity growth of a company and compare it to that of other companies in a specified region. This is a great way to appraise the ongoing success of efficiency initiatives.
Productivity indexes can be calculated at various levels of detail. Total factor productivity (TFP) indexes summarize the efficiency with which all inputs of a company are utilized to provide a bundle of services. Partial factor productivity indexes can address the productivity of specific input groups (e.g. operation and maintenance inputs).
Econometric Cost Models An econometric cost model explains the relationship between utilities' costs and an array of quantifiable business conditions in their service territories. Model specifications are guided by economic theory. Model parameters are estimated using historical data on the costs and business conditions (cost "drivers")of a sample of utilities. Statistical tests can ensure that the model contains only significant cost drivers. The model can then be used to predict a utility's past, current, or future cost given the exact business conditions that it faces in its service territory. This reduces the need to choose a peer group of companies. Models can also be used to predict the change in a company's cost given expected changes in local business conditions (e.g. input price inflation and customer growth).
Econometric cost models have important advantages over unit cost and productivity metrics in performance measurement.
Capital Measurement Capital accounts for the largest share of the cost of most utilities. Capital cost containment is therefore the single most important dimension of long run utility operating efficiency. Many benchmarking consultancies nonetheless focus on O&M expenses due to the difficulty of comparing capital costs across utilities. Moreover, their studies usually take little account of the amount of capital utilized even though it has a major impact on the amounts of O&M inputs used. PEG Research uses rigorous capital measurement methods that can surmount this barrier to comprehensive efficiency measurement. We routinely benchmark capital cost and consider a utility's capital holdings when benchmarking O&M expenses.
Econometric Reliability Models Like cost, the service quality of utilities also depends on local business conditions. These conditions can vary between utilities and account for much of the variations in quality that utilities achieve. PEG Research has developed econometric models that benchmark the reliability of a utility given local business conditions. Models have been developed for SAIDI and SAIFI. Model parameters are estimated using only data in the public domain that conform to IEEE standard 1366. The models are useful in setting reliability targets and in evaluating prudence. The econometric approach to benchmarking is especially advantageous given the paucityof utilities with publicly available, standardized data which are candidates for inclusion in peer groups.
Other Methods Other benchmarking methods, including data envelopment analysis (DEA), are sometimes used in the regulatory arena. PEG Research personnel are familiar with DEA and can advise clients on the comparative advantages of alternative benchmarking methods.
PEG Research can provide index and econometric cost benchmarking studies for all of the major services of gas and electric utilities and relevant combinations thereof.
For each service, studies are available for detailed cost categories as well as for total cost and we can appraise performance levels and changes in performance.
Benchmarking Workshops
Many clients today want to strengthen their in-house benchmarking capabilities. PEG Research can conduct benchmarking workshops to help staffers new to benchmarking get up to speed and to sharpen the skills of more experienced staffers. Workshops can be held on site, at our Madison office or at an attractive retreat location. PEG Research can also provide real world data for a benchmarking exercise.
Expert Witness Testimony
PEG Research personnel have testified on benchmarking for some of North America's best known utilities. Utilities have also submitted our research to regulators overseas, where formal rate cases are rare. Impressive results have been achieved for clients in several instances.
PEG Research's expertise in statistical cost research has a number of other useful applications in utility regulation.
Cost Forecasts
Indexes and econometric models are both useful in the preparation of cost forecasts for internal budgeting and forward test years. For example, it is well established that
Growth Cost = Growth Input Prices - growth Productivity + growth Output
PEG Research can prepare utility specific input price indexes, output metrics, and tough, but attainable productivity targets that permit custom forecasts of O&M expenses and total cost. Formulas of this kind, developed by our personnel, are currently used by the Essential Services Commission in Melbourne, Australia to establish multiyear O&M budgets for gas and electric power distributors. This research is also useful for quantifying the financial attrition that results from historical test years and delays in making rate case decisions.
Scale Economies
Estimates of economies of scale and other aspects of the cost structure of utility services have uses in utility management and regulation. For example, our personnel used a study of scale economies in gas distribution to help the Comision Reguladora de Energia in Mexico decide how many gas distributors to create in Mexico City. Our research was nominated for an award for the best applied economic research in Mexico.
PEG has provided litigation support in several fields, including antitrust, intellectual property, taxation, health, and the environment. The Pasadena office has taken the lead in this field. Our effectiveness in litigation is enhanced by our expertise in such varied industries as agriculture, automobiles, computers, electronics, electric power, food processing, metals, natural gas, oil pipelines, petroleum, petrochemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, postal services, retailing, real estate, cable, and telecommunications.
We strive to ensure that we have no stake in the matters for which we are retained. This enables us to apply objective ideas and analyses to the issue at hand. We have not limited our practice to working for only plaintiffs or defendants. For example, we have worked for defendants against claims brought by the government in tax and other courts, and we have worked for the government in antitrust matters and cases involving a bank's failure to properly escheat unclaimed bond funds to the state government. We have worked for environmental groups and have defended industrial clients against inappropriate environmental damage claims brought by both private and public plaintiffs. We have developed damage analyses for plaintiffs in patent infringement and other intellectual property cases. We have also provided defense testimony in intellectual property cases, exposing flawed damage analyses presented by opposing experts. PEG also has extensive expertise in designing surveys and critiquing surveys used in a wide variety of litigation and management consulting situations.
The use of econometric methods in litigation support is a PEG specialty. Partner Jeff Dubin is an Adjunct Full Professor of Economics at UCLA's Anderson School of Business where he teaches econometrics.