Performance-based ratemaking ("PBR") and other alternatives to traditional ratemaking (collectively called "Altreg") continue to be a hot topic at courses and conferences about energy utility regulation. The leading utility regulator organizations in the U.S. and Canada are no exception. PEG president Mark Newton Lowry gave a webinar on "PBR: Navigating the Trends, Energy Transition, and Best Practices" to the CAMPUT Connection in January. Last October, he again taught his popular three-day PBR webinars for NARUC’s Regulatory Training Initiative with funding from the U.S. Department of Energy.
Last March, Dr. Lowry gave a lecture on PBR at the Osgoode Hall Law School of York University in Toronto. In April, he discussed Canadian PBR at a SURFA conference in Richmond, VA. In August, he lectured on Altreg at the Michigan State University IPU Fundamentals Course. In September, Dr. Lowry gave a talk on multiyear rate plans to a DOE Energy Security and Grid Reliance Cohort. In October, he gave a presentation on PBR at the Wisconsin Public Utilities Institute and in December he discussed PBR for the energy transition at an EUCI conference.